Looking for how to hack someone’s Snapchat? Need to see what they are doing on Snapchat – and hack into their account and password. Well in this guide I will explain how to do this and more – the good news is that anyone can do this and you don’t need to be a computer whiz!
I’ll cover what really works for spying on Snapchat – and point out some scams that exist to trick you. On this website I cover only legal and ethical ways to monitor cell phones and computers – mainly aimed at protecting your own kids from online dangers.
This is part of my series of Hacking articles – How to Hack a Cell Phone – How to Hack Instagram – How to Hack Facebook .
Find out how easy it is to hack Snapchat with mSpy!
Let’s get into it ….
Table of Contents
What is Snapchat?
Snapchat is a mobile application for Android and iOS devices that allows users to share videos, drawings, texts and photos. This free to download app has become relatively popular among young people due to its ability of not storing messages on the recipient’s mobile device a few seconds after sharing. It allows users to determine how long (up to 10 seconds) a message, photo or video is visible on their phone.
The details of the sender and the time stamp remain, but the message disappears once the time limit expires. Another feature that makes Snapchat unique from other social media platforms is its drawing tool. Users can draw on top of photos and add texts to photos and draw pictures before sending them.
This feature makes Snapchat even more accessible for people using this platform to express their creative talents. Users can add friends from their contact list and those living near them and voice/video call them. The platform also lets you send edited photos while on call and leave video or audio notes when using the messenger feature.
Initially, the app was designed to allow person-to-person photo sharing but users can now upload it to perform a range of tasks, including sharing a chronological story and creating funny Bitmoji avatars, which are broadcasted to all the followers. It also has a designated ‘Discovery’ feature that displays short-form content from content creators like Buzzfeed, which makes this application all the more enjoyable.
The developer continues to introduce more features to make the user’s experience more exciting. The most recent is the snap streaks and Emoji’s. The feature was introduced along with the 2.0 upgrade to allow users to add a gaming feature to the application. Thus, if you and your friend snap within 24 hours for three consecutive days, you receive a fire emoji beside your name.
The number beside the Emoji shows the number of snaps you have shared. The purpose of this feature is to keep a stream of texts between you and your friend without breaking the chain. These and other features saw Snapchat attract more than 150 million active users daily. Apart from the numerous fun features, the developer strives to keep the user’s information safe from malicious third-parties.
Snapchat Hacks
However, they have not been able to achieve this entirely as this platform has been hacked several times. The first incident happened towards the end of 2013 when a group of hackers published a database that displayed the users’ phone numbers and usernames.
The hackers exposed phone numbers of 4.6 million users on New Year’s, censoring the last two digits to avoid abuse and spam. They, however, hinted that they would release the full numbers under specific circumstances. The hackers cited that they intended to showcase the flaws on Snapchat’s security policy.
The second incident happened in February 2016 when a hacker replicated the CEO’s Snapchat. He used this fake account to convince an employee to forward the company’s payroll. This successful phishing attacks compromised several employee identities.
Towards mid-April the same year, a group of Indian hackers announced that it had stolen data from 1.7 million users, a statement that turned out to be a hoax. All such scenarios show how easy it has become to hack a Snapchat account. This article mentions ways that hackers can use to access a Snapchat account and ways to recover the account.
Why Hack Someone’s Snapchat Account
Social media sites have become incredibly easy to hack despite authentication measures like the two-step verification feature. The sites provide means through which users can retrieve lost passwords or login IDs, making it easy for hackers to access the user’s information. Also, when the hackers take over the users’ accounts, they also access the emails linked to the network.
For example, those hacking social media accounts like Snapchat only need a hacking app to ensure their hacking activity or spying tasks are not detected. The motivation for hackers accessing personal data remains unknown, though some people use reasons like:
• For fun: Some people hack Snapchat accounts for fun while others only want to satisfy their curiosity.
• To access information: Hackers know that users create passwords to keep their accounts secure. If the hacker accesses the password, he can get into the account to obtain personal data for reasons such as stealing the user’s social security number.
• Vulnerable scanning: It is a security technique used for identifying the weakness of mobile or other devices. Hackers use this approach to gain unauthorized access, creating an avenue for more infiltration methods.
• Illegal code execution: Hackers looking to destroy the user’s device or database using malware can take control of the device by sending a code. Once the code accesses the device, the hacker can perform a range of activities without a trace.
• Business management: Most business organizations promote their trades using social media platforms. They also use the platforms to communicate their business strategies and plans on how to execute them. As a result, business competitors can hack such platforms to find out those strategies.
• Find out employee fraud: If an employee is using his Snapchat account to share business information to competitors, a manager can hack into that account to find out the information he is sharing.
Ways of Hacking a Snapchat Account
Hackers have come up with numerous ways of hacking Snapchat accounts. The methods are not only available to hackers, but users also. Parents, for example, may want to monitor their kids’ Snapchat activity and can only do so using a hacking tool. As such, hacking a Snapchat account can be reasonable and done with good intentions.
Using Spy Phone Apps
Numerous applications have been developed over the years to help users hack Snapchat accounts. They include the following.
This is the easiest and most reliable way to hack someones Snapchat account password and all messages. I write extensively about the mSpy app on this website – check out my main mSpy Reviews page to learn all about this app.
Users looking for applications that show the location of the user should use mSpy. The app is designed to track multiple target gadgets and send records of the user’s tapping activity. It also hacks other social media sites like Instagram, Viber, Whatsapp and keeps track of the user’s text messages.
The beauty of using mSpy is that it also functions as a firewall by blocking suspicious websites. The only downside of this software is that it does not allow the hacker to access the microphone or camera.
Check out my main FlexiSPY Reviews page for a look at what this top rated spy app can do. Unfortunately it does not cover Snapchat – but it has some very unusual features including call recording of actual conversations.
It is a popular app for deploying parental control on a child’s device while helping parents hack their kid’s Snapchat account. The app allows users to access the account without revealing their identity. The app is pretty affordable and easy to use as the user does not need technical knowledge to operate it.
Snap Hack V3
Snap Hack V3 is another popular application that allows users to hack a Snapchat account, access the password, videos and photos without installing other applications. The app is designed for hacking Snapchat accounts only without getting a target phone.
It is a professional tool for monitoring and hacking all types of social media messaging applications, including Snapchat. The application is optimized for Android, Windows and iOS mobile devices. Users also access instant updates sent to the accounts and monitor the GPS location of the phone. It is, however, a little pricey than other spy software since it costs up to $30 to hack a device.
The application allows users to monitor a target device remotely. Truthspy is specially designed to hack social media messaging apps like Snapchat, Facebook, Messenger and Viber. It also allows GPS location tracking for users who want to find out the location of a target phone. This feature comes in handy for parents who want to know the location of their kids.
Also, the app is designed to manage made and received by the target phone. The details are displayed on the user’s device along with the name of the caller, the phone number and the time of the call. Truthspy allows users to download the records and save them. The application also has a keylogging device that records the keystrokes made on the target phone to find out the user’s password, username and other details of the target phone easily.
Using Online Tools
Users looking to hack Snapchat accounts for free can use online hacking tools. They are optimized for iOS and Android devices and enable users to read Snapchat messages and conversations remotely immediately after setting it up.
One such tool is the FoneMonitor, which is made using advanced algorithms to allow users to hack Snapchat accounts easily and access conversations made through this platform. The online tool is also designed to hack other social media platforms like Whatsapp, Facebook and Instagram. What’s more, FoneMonitor has a keylogger feature that allows the user to access the Snapchat password.
Another online tool is the Snespy hacking tool that is specially designed to hack the user’s password. The user does not need to download the software. He only needs the username of the target, so Snespy can provide the password.
This hacking tool does not have restrictions as to the number of Snapchat accounts users it can hack and it allows them to download photos and messages sent by the target. Other such hacking tools include Snapch and Snapbrute.
Other Hacking Methods
Hackers use this method to obtain personal information like login credentials for credit cards. He then duplicates the existing login page from online services like Gmail, the bank or Dropbox. The duplicate website usually contains codes that send personal data where the sends the user’s data to the hacker. Hackers also use this method to hack Snapchat accounts.
They create a phishing page using PHP to save the credentials in a text file. The browser may warn the user but hackers avoid such warnings using the firebase system, which consists of a serverless architecture usually used to develop applications.
Using Keylogger Applications
Keylogger is a feature on most spying applications used to monitor all the strokes made on a keyboard. As such, the user can easily find the password and the username of a Snapchat account of a target device. Keylogger applications are easy to use on a desktop, but if tracking a mobile device, Ikeymonitor app comes in handy.
Both applications also record the user’s physical location and send the results online. Ikeymonitor is a paid hacking tool, but it offers a free trial for three days. Users can also use it to hack Whatsapp account. Other keylogger applications include:
• Shadow Kid’s Keylogger: It is a free spy application that also records all keyboard activities. Users can apply a password that secures log files so that nobody can access it.
• Hoverwatch: The app is only available on its official site. It also functions as a spy application and the user doesn’t need physical access to find out the typed keystrokes again and again. You only need to install the apps to receive log files online. Hoverwatch is available for free for the first three days. After then, the user needs to pay a monthly fee of $8.33 per month for a single target device.
• Hackers keylogger: This paid application resembles a regular keyboard. Unlike other keylogger applications, it does not send log files online, and the user needs physical access to the device.
Social Engineering
When using this technique, the hacker studies the victim’s behaviour and uses it to determine his Snapchat password. Hackers use this method along with phishing to trick the victim into revealing personal information. This method has become pretty standard in the real world, and studies show it has a success rate of 50%. Social engineering is not only used to guess a user’s password but also to spoof the victim’s calls (changing of numbers).
Using Saved Passwords
Hackers also use saved Snapchat passwords to access the victim’s account. Here’s a brief on how they do it:
• Click on Google chrome settings
• Tap on Advanced settings and go to the Manage password option
• All the saved passwords will be displayed on the screen
• The hacker filters the result to find Snapchat password
Signs that Snapchat Account has been Hacked
With so many methods of hacking Snapchat accounts, users should remain vigilant and check for signs of hacking. They include:
Need to re-login Every Time
Once you have created an account on your device, you don’t have to login every time you want to access the account. However, if someone else has been accessing your account, you will need to log in over and over again every time you access your account. This is because, when a different device is used to log in to the account, the first device logs off automatically.
Unusual Activities
You may have new friends on your list, and some settings may be changed or a new display name used on your account. These are all signs that your account has been hacked.
Receiving Emails from Snapchat
Snapchat has several security measures to safeguard users from malicious third parties. As such, when a change is made to the account, the user receives a notification via email. This prompt notification helps the user determine if he has indeed made changes to his account or a group of hackers have accessed his account.
How to Protect Your Snapchat Account from Hackers
Use Strong Passwords
Snapchat accounts with weak passwords are easy to hack. Passwords like 12345 are pretty common and easy for hackers to identify. Also, account owners who use the same password on a range of social media accounts make it easy for hackers. Experts recommend creating passwords that have upper and lowercase letters, symbols and numbers.
Additionally, the password should not be shorter than six symbols. Account owners can use password managers to help them develop strong passwords. Cyclonis Password Manager, for example, allows users to secure passwords that have up to 32 characters. The tool is useful for people who tend to forget passwords. Cyclonis is designed to encrypt data on the vault in GCM mode, making it difficult for hackers to access your Snapchat account.
Avoid Sharing your Password with Friends
It’s easy for young people to share their passwords with their trusted friends. Some of these friends may use this information to hack your account. Note that social media websites don’t require users to provide personal data thus, an email from Snapchat asking you to submit your password and other personal details may be fraudulent.
Adjust Your Privacy Settings
Most people enjoy displaying their lives on social media accounts like Snapchat, which can arouse the interest of malicious third-parties. If that is the case, you can adjust your privacy settings to share your photos and posts with people you know; not the whole world. Also, you need to check your Friends list. If a user sends a friends request, examine his profile to find out if you know them before accepting it. Ignore requests from people you don’t know as they could be spambots or hackers who want to access your account.
Avoid Using Third-party Applications
Such applications are less secure and can leak a user’s photos, calls or messages. In 2014, more than 90,000 Snapchat photos were leaked after users used a third-party website called SnapSaved.com to share them. Most pictures were explicit, and the people who took them did not want to share on the internet.
Other ways of protecting your account include:
• Protect your home Wi-Fi with a password
• Avoid clicking on fake emails that entice you with fake images and links
• Avoid using public Wi-Fi unless you have installed a VPN on your phone. Hackers are increasingly targeting unsecured public Wi-Fi hotspots to access mobile devices
• Be selective on the type of applications you install on your phone. Confirm that it is from a reliable source. If not, avoid installing it.