How to Hack Facebook – Including Messenger

There are many different reasons why you might find yourself needing to hack into another person’s Facebook account. For instance, you might be a parent who wants to be able to monitor what your child says and does online.

Or, you might want to make sure that your spouse isn’t doing things that he or she shouldn’t be doing. More often than not, these are topics that you cannot always bring up directly to the person’s face, as they might become offended or defensive.

You’ll probably want to be able to see everything they do on their Facebook account – maybe even access their password? Of course with the way most people use the platform today – you’ll need to hack Facebook Messenger too! We have this covered so keep reading. No scams and no methods that don’t work!

The answer to this problem is the most straightforward one: all you need to do is hack into their Facebook account.

Thankfully, there are many different ways that you can hack into an account, with each method having benefits or disadvantages of its own.

This is part of my hacking series of articles – How to Hack a PhoneHow to Hack Snapchat – and – How to Hack Instagram. All easy to follow guides so check them out.

For anyone who thinks their phone is being monitored without their approval I have a guide – How to Tell if your Cell Phone is Being Tracked, Tapped or Monitored by Spy Software.

Using Spyware

Unless you are someone who is incredibly talented in this area, you are going to want to rely on a spyware program to help you access the person’s Facebook account. To put it simply, the spyware program will take care of all the hard work that you have to do to get access to someone’s Facebook account.

This means that even if you have no knowledge of how to hack a person’s Facebook, you can still get the job done easily and efficiently within minutes!

In fact, with the right spyware program, you will even be able to monitor activity on a number of social media apps, including Snapchat, Viber, WhatsApp, Line, and iMessage. This means that you will be able to track all the messaging history of the person in question, which can help you get the information you need.

The Best Spy software apps can also be used to monitor Facebook’s messenger service. This is perfect if you want to keep an eye on the messages that a person is sending, or know who your child is speaking to. Using spyware is often recommended for these tasks, as it can be difficult to figure out the password that your target is using.

However, you should always keep in mind that any reliable spy app program will need you to download software onto the device physically – and for an iPhone it will need to be Jailbroken first.

If there is a spyware program that promises benefits without having to do this, then you should probably stay away from it, as it is likely a scam.

One of the biggest benefits of using a reliable spyware program is that you will be able to watch everything happen in real-time, which is something that many people can benefit from, especially if the person you are targeting has a habit of deleting messages to cover their tracks.

Recommended Spy Apps

I have several spy app reviews on this website but for hacking or spying on Facebook I would really only recommend 2 at this time:

Mspy – This is a reliable app that I use personally. It is effective for monitoring almost all activity on Facebook with ease. Easy to install and works really well. It also covers many more social messenger apps as well as all the spy features you would expect from a top selling spy software program.

Check my full mSpy Review here for all the details.

FlexSPY – My second recommendation for spying on Facebook. Like mSpy it covers many other social messenger apps and has a range of spy features – not just for Facebook.

The one big stand out feature of FlexiSPY is that it can record actual voice calls – this includes voice calls made using apps such as Facebook Messenger. VOIP call listening and recording is only available from FlexiSPY!

Read my main FlexiSPY Reviews page for all the details.

Any other ways to Hack someone’s Facebook account and password?

Warning About Facebook Hacking Websites

There are many, many websites that promise to be able to hack a Facebook account, but nearly all of these websites are scams. Despite Facebook’s recent reputation, the company is not in the habit of giving away such information for free.

For example, some websites will promise that they can help you access a Facebook account, even if you do not know the password. These websites are almost always scams, as you cannot get into another person’s Facebook account without the password, unless you are using a specialized spyware app.

messenger hack

With password recovery, however, there is some hope of being able to access a Facebook account. Some people set up their password recovery to be tied to phone verification. If you have access to your target’s phone and you know their phone password, then this will pose no issue for you.

If you don’t remember the password, but know enough about the person that you feel that you can confidently and correctly answer their security questions, you could probably try this method of accessing the Facebook account as well.

You should keep in mind that if you fail the questions or guess the incorrect password more than a few times, you will be locked out of the account and the person will get a notification about suspicious activity.

Aside from this, you should generally not trust websites that claim they can nab passwords to get into a Facebook account. Of course, if you have access to the password of the Facebook account, then you have nothing to worry about.

If you don’t, you should instead focus on getting a spyware app onto the phone of your target or consider a more old-fashioned method of hacking into their Facebook account.

Using an Old-Fashioned Hacking Method

If you are more proficient in using computers than most people are, you might want to look into an old-fashioned method of hacking into somebody’s Facebook account. If you only have access to a phone, then this isn’t the method for you, as it requires the use of a computer.

The basis of this method comes from the idea that a password for a website is stored somewhere on a computer, although it will vary depending on the browser and the operating system of the computer itself.

With some research, you can learn where passwords for Facebook are stored on the computer of the person whom you want to hack into the Facebook account of. However, if you do not have any access to the computer of this person, or this person doesn’t save their passwords at all, you are just about out of luck.

Once you figure out where the password is stored, there are a number of tools that you can download to decode the password information and provide you with the password you need to get into this person’s Facebook account. From here, getting into the actual Facebook account itself will be simple.

After all, all you really need to get into someone’s Facebook account is their password, and then you are ready to monitor the activity of the person.

You should still keep in mind that this method is only available when you have access to the user’s computer. For instance, if you are trying to hack into the Facebook account of an ex that you want to keep an eye on, there’s a very good chance that you will not have access to that computer.

On the other hand, if you want to make sure that your child is staying out of trouble, there is a very good chance that you will have access to the computer. Sadly, if you cannot access the computer, you should consider a different method of hacking into a person’s Facebook account.

Which Method Is Best for Which Situation?

If you have full access to your target’s phone, and are able to install a spy app and jailbreak the phone, you should definitely use this method of hacking their Facebook account. Not only is this the most efficient way to see what the other person is doing without them knowing that they are being watched, but it also provides the most versatility, as most spyware apps will track most messaging apps.

If you cannot do this, but have access to the target’s computer, you can consider doing some research to figure out where exactly the password is stored. However, this method only works when you can access the computer of your target, but it will also have the second smallest chance of notifying the person that someone was trying to access their account.

If you do not have access to either of these choices, then your last guess is to either get the phone in case the target has phone verification for lost passwords, or hope that you know the person well enough to guess their security questions.

This method has the highest chance of letting the person know that someone is trying to access the account, but if it is your last resort, you should definitely try it, as it might still allow you to hack into their Facebook account.

Hacking into someone’s Facebook account is easy if you chose to use a spy software app – but remember to stay legal – it is a great way to help protect your kids online. Used in the wrong hands it can be a gross invasion of privacy!

michael keenan

I'm Michael and I've been running this site since 2011. I'm a real person and not some big company pushing their own products!

Right from the start I realised that spy apps can be used legally and ethically to help parents keep their kids safe …. so I started this site.

Michael Keenan