FlexiSPY Reviews 2024 – the Best Cell Phone Spy, or Just the Most Expensive?
As part of my look at cell phone spy apps I wanted to do a review of FlexiSPY. Now bear with me, this is not just another rehash of the company website listing every feature and how it is the greatest thing ever – recommended by someone who has never used it – plenty of the other FlexiSPY reviews do that!
This is a real review – I have bought and used this product – it is on a test phone right now – in fact I have used all of the spy software products that I talk about on this site – see my mSPY Reviews page and Mobistealth. I have tried others but these are the ones that I can recommend based on what they can do and their reliability.
Before you buy anything make sure you look at my other two reviews (click their names above) and then read the comparison review – I think it will help you decide which is best for your needs.
I can fully recommend the FlexiSPY app – to certain users. It is a very reliable app and I have tested it over several years now and as you’ll know by now I don’t just recommend each and every spy app on the market.
There are times when FlexiSPY will be the best choice for your needs – times when it is the only choice – and times when it is Not the app to go for! I’ll explain ….
If you need to record voice calls or listen to live calls … then Flexispy is the only app on the market that can do this reliably. That is why they can charge a premium price for the FlexiSPY Extreme version. It is your Only choice.
FlexiSPY Premium version – their cheaper option without call recording – is a great program and competes well with other spy apps such as mSpy – definitely worth a look.
For Android users FlexiSPY is a good option – call recording features will work on any Rooted Android device from version 4 onwards – which is great.
For iPhone users things are not so straightforward. You see to use FlexiSPY on any Apple device it must be Jailbroken for all features to work. It needs to be installed on the target phone and to do this the iPhone will need to be Jailbroken first.
Not a big problem …. except Jailbreaking isn’t that up to date these days. You can easily Jailbreak older versions of Apple devices running operating systems up to iOS 9.2 but for the latest versions there is no Jailbreak – so you can’t use FlexiSPY until a Jailbreak becomes available.
There is a tethered Jailbreak for iOS 11.4 but it is not a good way to use FlexiSPY.
In short – FlexiSPY is ideal for Android users but of limited value to iPhone users unless they can Jailbreak their phone. They do not have a No Jailbreak version to compete with mSpy No Jailbreak – which is a pity.
Call recording including VOIP call recording and live call listening are only available with FlexiSPY Extreme.
FlexiSPY is a reliable spy app – and has been around for many years.
They have a cheaper version to compete with other apps.
FlexiSPY is very user friendly and they have an installation service.
Their call recording version is more expensive than other spy software programs.
iPhone’s must be Jailbroken – which is not possible for the latest models right now.
Want some more information about this spy program – You’ll need to read on for my Full FlexiSPY Review …
FlexiSPY Review – the Premier Spy Software?
Catchy headline but is it the truth? This program has long been considered the top of the range solution for cell phone monitoring – and with recent changes and updates it looks set to hold on to top spot.
The spy software market is constantly changing with new products and with major developments from the existing software companies – this one continues to stay ahead of the rest in terms of features and reliability.
A few years back we witnessed the take down of StealthGenie due to a legal case in the U.S. – one of Flexispy’s biggest competitors at the time.
mSpy, in reaction, have stopped providing two of their premier monitoring features – call recording and surroundings recording.
MobileSpy have made their software visible on the target phone – in an attempt to stay within U.S. legal terms. There really has been a shake up in the market and FlexiSPY look set to gain even more market share.
An important thing to remember in all of this is that the company behind FlexiSPY is not based in the United States, nor are their servers or infrastructure. This gives them a major level of protection from U.S. law and explains why the others are trying to change how they market spy software.
Although this leaves them free to market as they see fit, the onus is still on YOU the user, to keep within the laws of your country. I only recommend using any of these programs in legal ways.
The New Look FlexiSPY App
This year, they have totally revamped and upgraded their website, the monitoring Control Center (dashboard), and introduced a range of new features and pricing levels – as well as adding new products. The Flexispy Control Center is where you access the monitoring data logs and interact with the target phone / device – the new version is the most user friendly I have seen, very clean and modern – and it just works! Hence my glowing review!
Phone Compatibility
Like the others, FlexiSpy strive to release updates to match the latest operating systems. I keep this section regularly updated – at the moment you can use it to monitor phones and devices using the following versions:
Android from version 4 upwards
iPhone / iPad up to version 9.2 and up to 11.4 with a tethered Jailbreak
As mentioned this can be a problem for anyone wanting to spy on an iPhone running the latest operating systems. I do not recommend using FlexiSPY with a tethered Jailbreak on an iPhone- this means that if the iphone is updated or powered down at any time, the Jailbreak will be removed and FlexiSPY will stop working until you repeat the Jailbreak and installation.
Monitoring Features
The major programs overlap quite a bit on the spying features they offer, they simply package them differently and offer various pricing structures for the services. With the recent changes mentioned above, FlexiSPY now offer the most advanced set of features – bar none. You can also buy for shorter term contracts – 1, 3 and 12 months – cheaper to try out now! Great news for Android and iPhone users covered by this spy software app.
You get all the usual spy app features such as : text, email, websites visited, photos, videos, call logs, contacts, bookmarks and GPRS Tracking – all now seen as standard with all these spy app programs.
They have two main packages – FlexiSPY Extreme and FlexiSPY Premium. The Extreme version comes with Live Call Listening, Call Recording, Surroundings Recording, and Remote Spy Camera. All of the other features are available with the Premium version.
As things stand today, if you want to listen to or record actual voice calls – the FlexiSPY app is your only option. Let’s look at some of the main features available:
What is Call Interception with FlexiSPY?
You can listen in to live phone calls using the Extreme version of the software. If this is what you really need then this is the only spy software package for you, full stop. This is why their Extreme package is relatively expensive.
It is important to understand how this works and to be aware that it is not compatible with all phones and carriers – CDMA networks and dual sim phones are not supported. They do have a 10 day refund policy, so if call listening doesn’t work you can downgrade your subscription or get a refund.
It now works for the iPhone and the iPad but they must be Jailbroken.
How It Works
You can nominate specific target phone numbers and receive an alert by text or email when a call is taking place. Then you can make a secret call to the monitored phone (from your own cell phone) and listen to the conversation – live.
The app feature works by silently adding you to a conference call. It needs the target phone carrier to be compatible with 3 way calling – some are and some are not.
This is a very powerful spy feature, but for most people I think it is not really necessary. Some business users can get a lot out of this feature, but for monitoring your kids it is a bit extreme in my opinion.
Call Recording
A much more useful feature in my opinion. This works on most phones and carriers as long as there is a decent connection. I have used this with no problems – the recorded calls are saved in the control center and can be downloaded to your PC phone or device. You can also change the settings and select which calls to record – all, or selected numbers only.
Setting this up is really easy as long as the software app has been installed correctly. You can consider having a FlexiSPY rep install the app for a small extra fee. See more below …
You can also trigger the target phone/device microphone to record surroundings, like a remote bugging device. Another unique spy feature that works well.
Monitoring Chat Messengers and Social Sites
Here, the FlexiSpy app has made great progress and has the most comprehensive list of sites and apps you can spy on or monitor. Here are the main ones available now :
FaceBook, FaceBook Messenger, Line,WhatsApp, Skype, Viber, WeChat, SnapChat, Hangouts, Yahoo Messenger, BlackBerry Messenger and Pin, and iMessage. Note that Android phones need to be Rooted for IM monitoring.
They keep adding new ones regularly so check their website for the latest list.
FlexiSpy Password Cracker
This can be bought separately but comes free with Flexispy Extreme. It works like a keylogger – once you have the software installed, the password cracker will report all passwords / pin numbers entered – for the phone itself, social and messenger sites, as well as websites and email. Definitely another unique tool!
Advanced Location Tracking
You get real-time data of where the device is at any given time plus it stores the historical data – showing on a map exactly where the phone has been over a period of time. Using the Alerts system you can set Geo-location boundaries or areas and receive an alert when the phone enters or leaves a specific area. Great for tracking kids movements and warning you.
The Alerts System also allows you to set certain trigger keywords or phone numbers – then you will get a notification if these are detected in SMS texts or emails.
The FlexiSPY Control Center
This interface has been totally re-developed this year and is pretty amazing. Everything is very well laid out and easy to use. You get a lot of control over the app –
Setting alerts and notifications
Phone Sim change notification
View installed programs
Remotely Uninstall the software
Update the software without further access to the phone / device
Renew Subscription
All this and a few others can be controlled from within the online control center – without any further physical access to the target device. It is the heart of the system where all the logs and reports can be viewed – from your PC or even your phone / device.
Is FlexiSPY Hidden?
FlexiSPY have a few tools to help you keep things well hidden. They have tools to hide the Cydia App for Jailbroken iPhones and the Superuser Icon for Rooted Android. There is no sign of the software on the device – it does not appear in the application list or task manager. It is installed under a changing, non descript name – no Flexispy icons!
They go even further – it will not be flagged by the major virus software apps and it will not be found by task killer programs on your phone. It is definitely the most secure product available right now.
Service and Support?
They have always scored highly for their service and support. Many complaints you read in forums about cell phone monitoring software are about the lack of response to problems users have. You are unlikely to find many valid complaints about their support. If a Flexispy review complains about their support – I would be suspicious of that review – they obviously haven’t used it.
They also give no questions asked refunds if you are not satisfied – within 10 days.
The main website has just had a complete revamp, and it works well – much nicer looking but more importantly, better organized and easy to navigate. They have good information resources on their website – even a video section and have 24 hour support via live web chat and email ticket system.
Their support is open 6 days a week 24 hours a day – not on Sundays.
Help for installation – this is something that many people struggle with and they now have an installation wizard to guide you through installation – FlexiSpy software is without doubt the easiest to install for someone trying it for the first time.
Installation Service – for a small fee they can now Jailbreak or Root your device and fully set up the Flexispy software, making it really easy for first time users.
They have identified one of the major problems of the spy software industry and lead the way in addressing it – good support. Is it worth the premium price to you?
FlexiSpy Prices 2024
This section is updated regularly. As I said they keep their pricing pretty simple. They now offer short term licenses – Remember, they have a 10 refund policy as well.
Flexispy Extreme – $199 for 3 months or $349 for 12 months (+free Password Cracker).
Flexispy Premium – $68 for 1 month, $99 for 3 months and $149 for 12 months.
There are no further sales taxes or VAT added to your bill. You can pay by Visa, Mastercard, Wire transfer or PayPal. (Paying by Paypal you get a 10% discount but with no refund policy.)
Value for Money?
With the demise of StealthGenie, and the changing of services from mSpy and Mobilespy, FlexiSpy Extreme really stands out on its own. No other providers offer these monitoring features – simple. It is pricey at $349 but if you need advanced features that actually work, this is your only option.
The Premium version offers better value for money and competes well with the competition on features and price. Remember, you will be comparing this to the top price products from the other providers – like for like. Not many reviews take this into account and do a fair comparison.
Things have changed in the spy software market. At this time FlexiSPY is the ONLY legitimate company to offer the advanced features – Live Call Intercept, Call Recording, Surroundings Recording and Remote Camera. If you feel you must have any of these options, quite simply this is the only software that can do it. I hope I have made this point crystal clear in this FlexiSPY review.
If you are looking to monitor a cell phone for a short period of time and the basic reporting features are all you need then FlexiSPY probably isn’t the best option for you.
You could consider one of the other programs – mSpy or MobiStealth. Their features compete with the cheaper version and they offer short term contracts – worth considering.
Where FlexiSPY also stand out is their design and ease of installation and use, and their support. They have led the way with top support for quite a while. The information on their site is second to none, and when you really need help you can get someone quickly.
FlexiSPY Review FAQ
Here I’ve added a list of the most frequently asked questions about FlexiSPY. I’ve been writing and updating this FlexiSPY review page for many years now and during that time I have received many questions in the comments and from direct emails.
I have decided to remove the old comments from this review that built up over several years – and I have covered the most important questions below – hopefully it will save you some time.
Can it be seen on the target phone?
FlexiSPY is definitely the best hidden spy app that I have tested. It is usually quite difficult to find the popular spy software apps on any cell phone as they have improved how they hide them. But Flexispy go the extra mile.
Does it work on all cell phones?
It works on all versions of Android – for the call recording and some advanced features the Android will need to be rooted.
For Apple devices including the iPhone you must be able to Jailbreak the device you want to spy on. The latest versions of Apple iOS cannot be Jailbroken at this time.
Do I need an internet connection on the target device?
Yes some sort of internet connection is required – either a dedicated data plan or just Wi-Fi access will do. It only works on Smartphones – that is a phone with internet capability.
Will It work in any country?
Yes – anywhere in the world with an internet connection. They also have many different language options for viewing their website making it easy to use the spy app in many countries.
Will FlexiSPY show on the credit card bill?
No don’t worry the bill will not show any reference to FlexiSPY.
Can I use it on more than one phone?
You can monitor one phone per license at a time. You can purchase multiple licenses and monitor them from one dashboard. You can also change the target phone to be monitored at any time – as long as you remove the original device first.
Can this spy app be installed remotely?
No – physical access to the phone you want to monitor is needed … always!
Can it be removed without having physical access to the phone?
Yes you can uninstall FlexiSpy from the user dashboard – no need to have the target phone again. Very handy feature!
Will Call Recording work on my phone?
The call recording works on Rooted Android devices and Jailbroken iPhones etc. I have tested it extensively on an Android and found it works very well.
Can FlexiSPY record calls made on WhatsApp and Facebook?
Yes if your phone is compatible it can record VOIP calls made from most messenger apps. FlexiSPY is the only spy app that offers any call recording …. that is why it is such a popular spy app!
Have they a No Jailbreak version of the app?
No unfortunately they do not. For this type of monitoring I would recommend the mSpy no jailbreak app.
Do they help with installing FlexiSPY?
Yes they have a complete service – they can set up a remote contact using a PC or laptop and a tech support person will Jailbreak or Root and then install and setup FlexiSPY for you. This is a great addition for anyone not too confident with technology.
What support is available if I need help?
I have found their support to be excellent – very helpful when I needed to ask anything. They have live chat and email support. They are one of the best at support issues.
I hope this list of common questions will help you and be sure to check the FlexiSpy website – they have lots of good resources and information about setting up the app and getting the most out of it.
If you have a question that hasn’t been covered here – just ask in the contact page – but keep your questions legal!
I hope you have a better understanding now thanks to my FlexiSPY review – it is constantly updated and a lot of work and testing goes on all the time. I have this spy app installed on my test phone all the time.
Now the decision is yours – you need to think about what you need to monitor and how much you want to spend. Is FlexiSPY your best option?